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  • Writer's pictureJonathan Lynch

Is it Dangerous to Hold Roman Candles in Your Hands?

Fireworks, smoke bombs, confetti canons, firecrackers, flares, Sparklers and Roman Candles are the ornaments used on every occasion. The cultural, traditional, and parties are incomplete without the perks of light and delight. Roman candles, irrespective of the name, were invented in China. They are famous for their stars and shells that burst in different colours and shades when exploded. Roman candles are available in stores that have party celebrating items.

Roman Candles are safe enough to launch and view if precautionary measures are taken. Roman Candles can light up the entire celebration with amusement and awe.


1. It is advisable to place a roman candle in a bucket of sand before you kindle the star. Place it in an area with less audience nearby, or ask them to scatter, in case of any mishap.

2. You are not supposed to handle the Roman candle in your hand. This is due to a few reasons. Youngsters believe that they can handle the fire tube with overconfidence, which has led to multiple serious accidents including deaths of young ones. If you are an adult, then wear safety goggles and gloves before experimenting with fire adventures.

3. Roman candles should not be placed in the hands of a toddler or any child in this matter.

4. Buy Roman Candles from an authentic place and do ask about the mechanism of it before you launch them and check if they do not malfunction.

5. Roman candles are not to be pointed at any person, as the fireballs coming out of the tube results in serious burnt injuries and cause death.

6. Remember, Roman Candles explode at a temperature above 1200 C degrees, which is enough to start a fire in the place or even on a person.

7. The person, if holding the Roman candle launches it wrong, it can explode in his hands and cause instant death.

8. You might want to keep a fire extinguisher near, whenever you launch fireworks and roman candles. Just in case.

Roman Candles and Mishaps

There are cases recorded in which teenagers and children playing with Roman candles are injured severely. No matter what caution or however confident you are, it is best to take measures before any sort of adventure. It can result in life loss. Do not poke it in someone’s eye, or ear. Keep it away from the reach of children at all times.

Roman Candles and Their Mechanism

Roman candles are made up of Bentonite, black powder and pyrotechnic star that lights up. The star is placed loosely in the tube of the candle and when you ignite it, it kindles the area lifting charge, and it lifts off the tube outside into space for an explosion. It is a reactive compound based candle. Which takes a few reactants and combust them into light explosions. The fireballs or comet shells in large Roman Candle Bundles make the entire sky glow up with light. Roman Candles are perfect for celebrations, of you handle them with care.



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